Parent Volunteers
Parent Volunteers

Explore How Parents Can Get Involved

Parents are welcome to enter St. Patrick School’s community and participate in events. Discover how you can begin the process to get involved.

Volunteer Requirements

No volunteer may participate until all clearances are on file in the parish office.  All volunteers are required to undergo:

  • A criminal background check
  • Child abuse clearance from the State of Pennsylvania
  • Safe Environment Training Classes required by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
volunteer requirements


If you wish to volunteer at St. Patrick School, please begin the process by completing and returning the following forms to:

Laura DeJong
St. Patrick Parish Office
131 Channing Avenue
Malvern, PA 19355
610.647.2345 |

Volunteer Clearances

Volunteer Disclosure Statement Application

Volunteer Opportunities

Parents are encouraged to participate as:

  • Cafeteria monitors
  • Yard parents
  • Field trip chaperones
  • Special event volunteers
  • Parent Advisory Committee members
  • Classroom parents
  • Adopt-a-Child shoppers at Christmas
  • Mission Day Helpers

volunteer opportunities


No visitor or volunteer may go directly to any area of the school without first signing in at the office. For the safety of the children, visitors and volunteers are not permitted to go to a classroom to visit or confer with a teacher without an appointment or visit any child in class or at lunch. All volunteers must wear a Volunteer Badge at all times while visiting the school building.



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