Reading Olympics
Reading Olympics

Test Your Reading Talents in a Friendly Competition

The goal of the Reading Olympics is to encourage reading for enjoyment and enhance students’ reading skills.

Each year, St. Pat’s students generate much excitement about this friendly competition and have a highly rewarding reading experience.


To compete in the Olympics, students will collaborate with their teammates to read 40 to 50 books that have been selected by a committee of librarians, reading specialists and classroom teachers. These professionals will then ask questions related to the readings that teams of students will compete to answer during the competition. All participants in the Reading Olympics are awarded ribbons.

student reading

Reading Lists

The Elementary Teams are comprised of 4th and 5th grade students, while the Middle School Teams are comprised on 6th through 8th grade students.

The Reading Olympics are held annually during April and May. All books in the competition are available in the St. Patrick School library.

Elementary School Team

Middle School Team


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